Mindful Deschooling 5-week course

Embrace a new way to live, learn and thrive with your children! Discover the science of learning and why all children are born to learn  Learn how you can create the environment your child needs to thrive Understand why unschooling is a wonderful fit for neurodivergent children Move beyond the doubts and fears that keep... Continue Reading →

So, where’s that tribe?

Something I often come across in unschooling groups is how alienated people can feel when they choose this path. And I admit that in quieter moments my mind does sometimes wander into Utopian dreams of living in a supportive community of likeminded people. In this green and lovely place, adults and children alike would be... Continue Reading →

Looking for the win-win

My partner is away for a few days, so life is just that little bit more orderly. When there's another adult here it all feels so spacious. One child wants to go out? No problem, there's still another parent around for the others. Since we're both pretty much in charge of the hours we work... Continue Reading →

Thoughts from a 13-year-old gamer

One of the most challenging aspects of unschooling for me was letting go of conventional paradigms about gaming, and screen time in general. Paying attention to my children has allowed me to see how enriching much of this activity actually is. Each of the children engages differently with games and screens. E does some gaming,... Continue Reading →

So, what did we do today?

I thought I'd start some posts about what our average days are made of. I chose Monday because it still feels like a minor act of rebellion not to wake up stressed at the prospect of the week ahead. Ever since my school years I've associated Mondays with either heroic energy or a slothful desire... Continue Reading →

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